
Unit 9: State and Local Governments

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Unit 9: State & Local Government

Instructor: Peter Scholtes



Class website: http://petehumanities.pbworks.com/

Unit 9 Summary: In this unit, you will design your own city, make a map of it, organize its government, and create a city budget. You'll also learn how state and city governments work, how you can change them, and how federalism shares power between state and federal governments.

2do List:

Total points: 150

formative work (~50) + city government activity (50) + test (50)

Week 33 (Apr. 29 - May 3)

▢ Mon: Copy Unit 9 Terms into notebook (3 points): Unit 9 Terms Key.doc Unit 9 Terms for Notebook.doc Here's the checklist for this unit: Civ and Econ Unit 9 Checklist.doc


▢ Mon: Homework 1: Unit 9 Word Find (3 points): Unit 9 Word Search.pdf

▢ Tue: "Federalism" worksheet (3 points): Get worksheet in class. Lecture PowerPoint: Federalism lecture.ppt

▢ Tue: Compare Minnesota Constitution to the Bill of Rights (3 points) Minnesota Bill of Rights.doc

▢ Wed: Reading 1: Ch. 11, Sec. 2: "State Legislatures," p. 246-250. Get questions in class. (5 points)

▢ Thu: "Exploring Our Communities" internet assignment. (3 points)


Wee 34 (May 6 - 9):

▢ Mon: "The City Speaks" lecture. (2 points)

▢ Mon: City Government Activity: Task 1. (3 points)

▢ Tue:  Reading 2: Ch. 12, Sec. 2: "Local Government Services and Revenue," p. 268-274 (3 points) Get questions in class. When done, finish City Government Activity: Task 1.

▢ Wed: "State Executive Branch and Judicial Branch" lecture. (2 points)

▢ Wed: City Government Activity: Task 2 & 3. (3 points)

▢ Thu: "Types of Local Government" lecture. (2 points)

▢ Thu: City Government Activity: Task 4. (3 points)



Week 35 (May 13 - 16):

▢ Mon: "What can I do?" lecture. (2 points)

▢ Mon: City Government Activity: Task 5. (3 points)

▢ Tue: Complete City Government Activity. (50 points)

▢ Tue: Unit 9 review. (2 points)

▢ Wed: Unit 9 Study Guide. (6 points)

▢ Wed: Unit 9 Terms. (6 points)

▢ Wed: Unit 9 Test. (50 points)

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