
Unit 7: Bill of Rights and Freedom Movements

Page history last edited by Pete Scholtes 11 years, 8 months ago

Unit 7 Summary: In this unit, you will learn the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Bill of Rights. You'll explore how these rights have been fought for and defended by American citizens. You'll examine key Supreme Court decisions that have expanded the Constitution beyond those first ten amendments. Finally, you'll look at how different freedom movements have tested and expanded these rights in the U.S. and around the world.


Terms for this unit:

  • separation of church and state: Government may not favor any religion or establish an official religion.
  • eminent domain: Government has the power to take private property for public use (must pay for it).
  • due process of law: Gives accused citizens right to be treated fairly according to rules established by laws.
  • double jeopardy: Being put on trial for the same crime twice.


2do List for Unit 7:

Total points: 150

formative work (50) + assessment (100)


Week 26 (Mar. 11-13)

▢ Mon: Jigsaw reading and class discussion of the Bill of Rights, p. 120-122. Complete "Interpreting the Bill of Rights" worksheet (6 points). Unit 7 Pre-Intro.ppt

▢ Tue: Bill of Rights Reduction Activity worksheet (6 points).

Tuesday Unit 7 Intro.ppt

▢ Wed: Reading 1: Ch. 6, Sec. 2: "Protections in the Bill of Rights," p. 134-139, get questions in class  (6 points).

Unit 7 Reading 1.ppt

Questions for Unit 7 Reading 1.doc


Week 27 (Mar. 18-21)

▢ Mon: Bill of Rights Hand Game, Rap, and Horror Story (3 points)

▢ Mon: Copy Unit 7 Terms into notebook (3 points)

▢ Tue: "Freedom of Expression in the Schools"/Education Court Cases worksheet (3 points).

▢ Wed: Reading 2: We the People p. 101-105, "How does the Constitution protect freedom of religion?" Answer questions 1-4 (yes/no) on p. 105; questions 1-3 same page with fuller answers. (3 points). Unit 7 Reading 2.ppt Questions for We the People Unit 7 Reading 2.doc

▢ Thu: Punk rock and the First Amendment video and music activity. (3 points). We watched excerpts from the films Berkeley in the Sixties (about the Free Speech Movement in 1964) and The Filth and the Fury (about punk rock in 1976), as well as a newscast and video about a Russian punk rock group jailed in 2012 for a provocative performance condemning the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.



▢ Fri: Progress Friday: Check grades and update checklist.


Week 28 (Mar. 25-28)

▢ Mon: Unit 7 review (2 participation points). Study guide: Unit 7 Study Guide.doc Funny Youtube video about the Bill of Rights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qpZ5-4hcxk


▢ Tue: Show completed Terms (6 points).

▢ Tue: Turn in STUDY GUIDE (6 points).

▢ Tue: UNIT 7 ASSESSMENT (100 points).



Unit 7 Learning Goals:

__Explain the scope and limits of rights protected by the First and Second Amendments and changes created by legislative action and court interpretation.

__Analyze how constitutionalism preserves fundamental societal values, protects individual freedoms and rights, promotes the general welfare, and responds to changing circumstances and beliefs by defining and limiting the powers of government.

__Explain the scope and limits of rights of the accused under the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments and changes created by legislative action and court interpretation.

__Analyze the meaning and importance of rights in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments; compare and contrast these with rights in the Minnesota Constitution.

__Analyze how the following tools of civic engagement are used to influence the American political system: civil disobedience, initiative, referendum and recall.

__Analyze the tensions between the government's dual role of protecting individual rights and promoting the general welfare, the struggle between majority rule and minority rights, and the conflict between diversity and unity.


Banked learning goals for future lessons (this already shortened unit was shortened further for Audubon):



__Explain the current and historical interpretations of the principles of due process and equal protection of the law; analyze the protections provided by the Fourteenth Amendment.

__Examine a public policy issue by defining the problem, developing alternative courses of action, evaluating the consequences of each alternative, selecting a course of action, and designing a plan to implement the action and resolve the problem.

__(review) Explain the responsibilities and duties for all individuals (citizens and non-citizens) in a republic. For example: Paying taxes, obeying the law, responding to government requests such as subpoenas, informed participation in voting and public decision-making, developing and defending positions on public policy issues, monitoring, influencing decision making.

__(review) Evaluate sources of information and various forms of political persuasion for validity, accuracy, ideology, emotional appeals, bias and prejudice.

__Explain how tribal sovereignty establishes a unique relationship between American Indian Nations and the United States government.

__Demonstrate skills that enable people to monitor and influence state, local and national affairs. For example: Working with others; conducting civil conversations; articulating ideas and interests; negotiating differences and managing conflict with people or groups who have different perspectives; using parliamentary procedures; building consensus.



__Identify the changes over time in federal American Indian policy in terms of sovereignty, land ownership, citizenship, education and religious freedom; analyze the impact of these policies on indigenous nations. (Post- World War II United States: 1945-1989)

__Evaluate the legacy and lasting effects of the various civil rights movements of the 1960s and 70s; explain their connections to current events and concerns. (Post- World War II United States: 1945-1989)



__Explain the role of productivity, human capital, unions, demographics and government policies in determining wage rates and income in labor markets. For example: Retiring baby-boomers will likely lead to labor shortages; increases in worker productivity lead to increases in the demand for labor and higher wages; minimum wage laws lead to higher wages but also cause labor surpluses.

__Explain the role of financial institutions and credit markets in the acquisition of capital. For example: Financial institutions (intermediaries between savers and investors)-commercial banks, investment banks, credit unions, stock exchanges. Credit markets (interaction between borrowers and lenders) determine interest rates which affect capital purchases (or investment spending).

__Describe commodities as natural resources necessary to produce goods and services; explain how world events and market speculation can affect commodity and other prices. For example: Commodities-grains, minerals, oil, fruits, natural gas, wood. Effects-unrest in oil-producing nations raises the price of oil which raises the cost of energy of producing many goods and services.


Banked terms:

suffrage: Right to vote.

segregation: Separation of whites and African Americans in public places.

affirmative action: Attempts to counteract the effects of past discrimination.


Banked lessons:

Reading 3: We the People p. 106-111, "How has the right to vote expanded since the Constitution was adopted?" Questions 1-5 (3 points).

14th Amendment and Equal Protection lesson (3 points).



Instructor: Peter Scholtes



Class website: http://petehumanities.pbworks.com/


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