
Unit 10: Cold War

Page history last edited by Pete Scholtes 12 years, 5 months ago

                              (Mark of the Death Squads in El Salvador, 1980s)

This unit explores the Cold War and its effects on the United States and the world. The Cold War was the 46-year conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. But it involved a number of other conflicts. The Cold War also involved:

  • Communism, totalitarianism, and Stalinism in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and North Korea
  • the "hot" U.S. war against North Korea and China in the Korean War
  • the political war against communism at home (McCarthyism)
  • the nuclear arms race against the Soviet Union
  • the "hot" U.S. war against Communist independent nationalism in Vietnam
  • U.S. support for fascism and dictators in Latin America  and elsewhere


Week 32:

__Monday, April 30: Cold War Reading 1: "The Cold War." Get reading in class. Instructions and questions: Cold War Reading 1.ppt   Questions for The Cold War.doc

__Tuesday, May 1: American Communism lecture and discussion: American Communism Lesson.doc  American Communist half-sheet.doc We watched scenes from the 1987 film Matewan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwEMIvDEFy4

__Wednesday, May 2: Stalinism in the Soviet Union: Read this and be able to explain: 1.) The Cult of Personality, 2.) Purges, 3.) Soviet Propaganda, 4.) Collectivization: Stalinism worksheet.doc Visuals for reading: Stalinism Reading.ppt Listen to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0

__Thursday, May 3: WWII test review. Read this introduction to the documentary North Korea: A Day in the Life (2004): North Korea Day in the Life.doc

and watch parts 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgyxZj_p5pM

and 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhTMt-0ANOo&feature=relmfu


Week 33

__Monday, May 7: Review: What's the difference between fascism and communism? Movie: The arms race and the atomic age. Read: The Atomic Cafe.doc and watch scenes from The Atomic Cafe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xbxw9OD04U (We watched 12:00-32:00, 38:00-44:00, and 1:01-1:08.)

__Tuesday, May 8: Cold War Reading 2: "Cold War Origins of the Vietnam War." Get reading in class. Instructions and questions: Cold War Reading 2.ppt Questions for The Cold War Origins of the Vietnam War.doc  

__Wednesday, May 9: Lecture: U.S support for fascist dictators. Here's the lecture outline: U.S. support for fascist dictators.doc. We watched scenes from  Missing (1982), about Chile after the U.S.-planned coup in 1973:

     Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Sx8yl4pKk

     Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmNKBhvcn0Y

     Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mbJoWFSo4

     and Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ywiUY-ft5Q

__Thursday, May 10: Fascism vs. Communism in Vietnam. Lecture notes: South Vietnam Dictatorship lecture.doc Lecture outline: Vietnam Fascism lecture outline.doc Watch documentary: Winter Soldier (1972)

               Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkgRx97XGos

               Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK3tmPAQvaE

               Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb_E3UdwBqg


Week 34

__Monday, May 14: Cold War Reading 3: "War Expands in Vietnam." Get reading in class. Questions and instructions: Questions for War Expands in Vietnam.doc  Cold War Reading 3.ppt

Get study guide at the end of class: (coming soon)

__Tuesday, May 15: Lecture: "Reagan and the end of the Cold War." Reagan lesson.doc Cold War Study Guide: Cold War Study Guide.doc

__Wednesday, May 16: Cold War review day

__Thursday, May 17: Cold War Jeopardy: http://www.superteachertools.com/jeopardy/usergames/May201220/game1337231519.php

Cold War Test delayed to Monday, May 21.



Minnesota State Standards:

  • U.S. History: The student will understand the Cold War, its causes, consequences and its military conflicts.
  • U.S. History: The student will understand the key domestic political issues and debates in the postwar era to 1972.
  • U.S. History: The student will understand the evolution of foreign and domestic policy in the last three decades of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century.
  • World History: The student will demonstrate knowledge of major events and outcomes of the Cold War.
  • World History: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the worldwide impact of World War II.
  • World History: The student will demonstrate knowledge of political, economic, social and cultural aspects of independence movements and development efforts.


Possible AAHS targets:

  • History Choice: World History: Global Conflict (ID: 159247) Students will explore the birth, development, and execution of a global conflict in the 20th Century and examine its effects on modern society.
  • History Choice: World History: Imperialism (ID: 17762) Students will explore the role imperialism played in shaping our current global structure, and use that information to examine a current interaction(s) between two or more nations or groups of people within a nation.
  • History Choice: U.S. History: Modern Conflict (ID: 17766) Students will explore a conflict the United States had through the Civil War, and analyze its political and social impact during the time period and into modern times. (World Wars, The Cold War, Vietnam Conflict, Iraq Wars, Afghanistan, War on Terror, etc.)
  • History Choice: U.S. History: Modern Politics (ID: 17767) Students will explore a political issue or conflict if North America after the Civil War and examine its impact on the people and nation. (Current events, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam Era, etc.)
  • Government/Citizenship: World Governments: Structure (ID: 17781) Students will explore the various government structures that exist throughout the world and compare/contrast their underlying principles. These government structures may include, but are not limited to: Democracy, fascist, feudal, monarchy, etc
  • Social Studies Exploration Choice: Advanced Social Studies: Advanced Exploration 1-5 Students may repeat and further develop an already completed social studies area.

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