
Unit 1: Dialogues

Page history last edited by Pete Scholtes 12 years, 10 months ago



Unit 1: Dialogues


We started out the year by talking to each other, collaborating, and writing short stories and dialogues. The assessment was a typed dialogue of 500 words. All the assignments are listed below, and some of the PowerPoints and worksheets are linked so you can download them.


AAHS Targets:

Writing Choice: Basic Writing:
__Basic Writing 1: Students will develop appropriate conventions (mechanics) for their writing.

Writing Choice: Reflection/Personal Writing:
__Creative Writing: Students will explore and develop (including revisions) a work of fiction to assist in developing and enhancing the ideas addressed within a project or topic of interest.

MN State standards: Write narratives and other creative texts to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.


Week 1

__Tuesday, 9/6: Intro to Language Arts and Social Studies.ppt Info card: Your contact info, career goals, and what a typical day will be like for you, ideally, in five or 10 years, on a half-sheet of paper or index card.

__Wednesday, 9/7: Short story based on a photograph or souvenir, 1 page single-spaced.

__Thursday, 9/8: Dialogue exercise.ppt   Dialogue 1 (written with partner) between two people having a disagreement on the phone, 2 pages, double-spaced.


Week 2

__Monday, 9/12: Dialogue 2 between two people with different core beliefs, 2 pages double-spaced.

__Tuesday, 9/13: Humanities and Project Foundry Tutorial.ppt Project Foundry seminar with Rafi: Figure out what Language Arts and Social Studies targets you've earned; send your absurd project proposal to your adviser, and get started on real independent projects.

__Wednesday, 9/14: Poem emotion.ppt List poem about an emotion, 20 lines. Example: Fear poem.doc

__Thursday, 9/15: Brainstorm social, political, environmental issues.


Week 3

__Monday, 9/19: Characters in Conflict.ppt Create 2 characters who will disagree over an issue or core belief.

__Tuesday, 9/20: Characters and setting.ppt Deepen characters using 2-character worksheet, write setting.

__Wednesday, 9/21: Assignment due on Tuesday 9/27: 500-word typed story, a dialogue between 2 characters with different core beliefs. Here's the rubric for the paper: Paper Rubric Name.doc

__Thursday, 9/22: Continue working on stories.


Week 4

__Monday, 9/26: Continue working on stories.

__Tuesday, 9/27: Computer lab: Turn in typed and proofread story, 500 words double-spaced. Dialogue between 2 characters with different core beliefs.

__Wednesday, 9/28: (no class, bridge-building)

___Thursday, 9/29: Work day.


Next: Unit 2: Slavery

Back to: Humanities Class at AAHS


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